Source code for scandotfit

# Author: Carsten Sachse 21-Sep-2010
# Copyright: EMBL (2010 - 2018), Forschungszentrum Juelich (2019 - 2021)
# License: see license.txt for details

Program to evaluate performance of scanner by measuring dots spaced 2.5 mm apart. 
from EMAN2 import Util
from spring.csinfrastr.csfeatures import Features
from spring.csinfrastr.cslogger import Logger
from spring.csinfrastr.csproductivity import DiagnosticPlot
from spring.csinfrastr.csreadinput import OptHandler
from spring.micprgs.scansplit import Micrograph
import numpy as np

[docs]class ScanDotFitPar: """ Class to initiate default dictionary with input parameters including help and range values and status dictionary """ def __init__(self): # package/program identity self.package = 'emspring' self.progname = 'scandotfit' self.proginfo = __doc__ self.code_files = [self.progname] self.scandotfit_features = Features() self.feature_set = self.scandotfit_features.setup(self) self.define_parameters_and_their_properties() self.define_program_states()
[docs] def define_parameters_and_their_properties(self): self.feature_set = self.scandotfit_features.set_inp_micrograph(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.scandotfit_features.set_output_plot(self.feature_set, self.progname + '_diag.pdf') self.feature_set = self.scandotfit_features.set_scanner_step_size(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_integration_width(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_topleft_coordinates(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_topright_coordinates(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_bottomleft_coordinates(self.feature_set)
[docs] def define_program_states(self): self.feature_set.program_states['readmic']='Read input micrograph' self.feature_set.program_states['searchdots']='Determines positions of dots by center of gravity calculation' self.feature_set.program_states['dotdistance']='Calculates distance between dots' self.feature_set.program_states['visdots']='Visualization of dots'
[docs] def set_integration_width(self, feature_set): inp4 = 'Width of integration in pixels' feature_set.parameters[inp4] = int(100) feature_set.hints[inp4] = 'Use default value: width of box in pixels used for dot determination - otherwise ' +\ 'use with caution.'[inp4] = feature_set.Range(1, 500, 1) feature_set.level[inp4] = 'expert' return feature_set
[docs] def set_topleft_coordinates(self, feature_set): inp5 = 'Topleft coordinates of dot grid' #p[inp5]=tuple((3309,13355)) feature_set.parameters[inp5] = tuple((539, 2129)) feature_set.hints[inp5] = 'Comma-separated integer pair of coordinates (x, y).'[inp5] = self.feature_set.Range(0, 30000, 1) feature_set.level[inp5]='intermediate' return feature_set
[docs] def set_topright_coordinates(self, feature_set): inp6 = 'Topright coordinates of dot grid' #p[inp6]=tuple((9023,13607)) feature_set.parameters[inp6] = tuple((1493, 2173)) feature_set.hints[inp6] = 'Comma-separated integer pair of coordinates (x, y).'[inp6] = feature_set.Range(0, 30000, 1) feature_set.level[inp6]='intermediate' return feature_set
[docs] def set_bottomleft_coordinates(self, feature_set): inp7 = 'Bottomleft coordinates of dot grid' #p[inp7]=tuple((3909,138)) feature_set.parameters[inp7] = tuple((638, 46)) feature_set.hints[inp7] = 'Comma-separated integer pair of coordinates (x, y).'[inp7] = feature_set.Range(0, 30000, 1) feature_set.level[inp7]='intermediate' return feature_set
[docs]class ScanDotFit(object): """ * Class that holds functions for automated distance measurements from regular dots on micrograph * __init__ Function to read in the entered parameter dictionary and load micrograph #. Usage: ScanDotFit(pardict) #. Input: pardict = OrderedDict of program parameters """ def __init__(self, parset = None): self.log = Logger() if parset is not None: self.feature_set = parset p = self.feature_set.parameters self.infile = p['Micrograph'] self.outfile = p['Diagnostic plot'] self.stepsize = p['Scanner step size in micrometer'] self.boxwidth = p['Width of integration in pixels'] self.topleft = p['Topleft coordinates of dot grid'] self.topright = p['Topright coordinates of dot grid'] self.bottomleft = p['Bottomleft coordinates of dot grid'] #Micrograph.readmic(self, self.infile) self.img, self.nx, self.ny = Micrograph().readmic(self.infile)
[docs] def pttoline(self, ptone = None, pttwo = None): """ * Function that determines line equation from two given points #. Usage: slope, intercept = pttoline(ptone, pttwo) #. Input: ptone = tuple of x,y coordinates, pttwo = tuple of x,y coordinates #. Output: slope, intercept """ import numpy as np if ptone is None: ptone = self.topleft if pttwo is None: pttwo = self.topright x0, y0 = ptone x1, y1 = pttwo linex = [x0, x1] liney = [y0, y1] self.slope, self.icept = np.polyfit(linex, liney, 1) self.log.ilog('Fitted line intercept: %g, slope: %g' %(self.icept, self.slope)) return self.slope, self.icept
[docs] def searchdots(self, boxwidth = None, topleft = None, topright = None, bottomleft = None, stepsize = None): """ * Function to determine coordinates of dots by center of gravity measurements #. Usage: dotx, doty = (boxwidth, topleft, topright, bottomleft, stepsize) #. Input: boxwidth width of integration, topleft/topright/bottomleft coordinate pair #. Output: dotx and doty = list of X and Y coordinates of dots """ from math import cos, sin, atan, sqrt self.log.fcttolog() if boxwidth is None: boxwidth = self.boxwidth if topleft is None: topleft = self.topleft if topright is None: topright = self.topright if bottomleft is None: bottomleft = self.bottomleft if stepsize is None: stepsize = self.stepsize self.pttoline() self.no_cols = int(round(sqrt((topleft[1]-topright[1])**2+(topleft[0]-topright[0])**2)/(2500/stepsize))) self.no_rows = int(round(sqrt((topleft[1]-bottomleft[1])**2+(topleft[0]-bottomleft[0])**2)/(2500/stepsize))) self.log.ilog('Number of dot columns detected: %g' %self.no_cols) self.log.ilog('Number of dot rows detected: %g' %self.no_rows) def cog_dots(img, x0, y0, slope, stepsize, boxwidth, eachCol, eachRow): xoffset = int(-self.nx/2 + x0 + cos(atan(slope))*eachCol*2500/stepsize + \ sin(atan(slope))*eachRow*2500/stepsize + 0.5) yoffset = int(-self.ny/2 + y0 + sin(atan(slope))*eachCol*2500/stepsize - \ cos(atan(slope))*eachRow*2500/stepsize + 0.5) dotimg = Util.window(img, boxwidth, boxwidth, 1, xoffset, yoffset, 0) # dotimg.write_image('dotstack.spi', eachCol*no_cols+eachRow) self.log.dlog('X-offset: %g, Y-offset: %g' %(xoffset, yoffset)) shift = dotimg.phase_cog() self.log.ilog('Offset from ideal dot at column %g and row %g : %g, %g' \ %(eachCol, eachRow, shift[0], shift[1])) xcoord = x0 + shift[0] + cos(atan(slope))*eachCol*2500/stepsize + \ sin(atan(slope))*eachRow*2500/stepsize ycoord = y0 + shift[1] + sin(atan(slope))*eachCol*2500/stepsize - \ cos(atan(slope))*eachRow*2500/stepsize return xcoord, ycoord self.dots = [cog_dots(self.img, topleft[0], topleft[1], self.slope, stepsize, boxwidth, eachCol, eachRow) for eachCol in range(self.no_cols) for eachRow in range(self.no_rows)] return self.dots, self.no_cols, self.no_rows
[docs] def dotdistance(self, dots = None, stepsize = None, no_cols = None, no_rows = None): """ * Function to determine distances between adjacent dots #. Usage: distances = dotdistance(dots, stepsize, no_cols, no_rows) #. Input: dots = list of X and Y coordinates of dots, scanner stepsize, number of columns,\ number of rows #. Output: list of horizontal and vertical distances from adjacent dots """ from math import sqrt self.log.fcttolog() if dots is None: dots = self.dots if stepsize is None: stepsize = self.stepsize if no_cols is None: no_cols = self.no_cols if no_rows is None: no_rows = self.no_rows def calc_horid(dots, no_rows, stepsize, k): x0, y0 = dots[k] x1, y1 = dots[k+no_rows] dist = sqrt((y1-y0)**2 + (x1-x0)**2)*stepsize self.log.ilog('Horizontal distance between dot %g and dot %g determined: %g micrometer' \ %(k, k+no_rows, dist)) return dist self.horidots = [calc_horid(dots, no_rows, stepsize, k) for k in range(no_rows*(no_cols-1))] def calc_vertd(dots, stepsize, j): x0, y0 = dots[j] x1, y1 = dots[j+1] dist = sqrt((y1-y0)**2 + (x1-x0)**2)*stepsize if dist < 4000: self.log.ilog('Vertical distance between dot %g and dot %g determined: %g micrometer'\ %(j, j+1, dist)) return dist else: pass self.vertdots = [calc_vertd(dots, stepsize, j) for j in range(no_cols*no_rows-1)] return self.horidots, self.vertdots
[docs] def vismic(self, nx, ny, subplot): """ * Function to prepare a micrograph in row and column dimension for matplotlib #. Usage: plot = vismic(nx, ny, subplot) #. Input: nx = number of rows, ny = number of columns, subplot = idendity of subplot #. Output: subplot to be returned """ ax1 = subplot self.log.fcttolog() for t in ax1.get_xticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(8) for t in ax1.get_yticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(8) ax1.set_xlabel('Row') ax1.set_ylabel('Column') ax1.set_xlim(0, nx) ax1.set_ylim(0, ny) ax1.axis('scaled') ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.grid(True) return ax1
[docs] def visdots(self, dots = None, horidots = None, vertdots = None): """ * Function to visualize detected dots using matplotlib #. Usage: output = visfit(dots, horidots, vertdots) #. Input: dots = list of X and Y coordinates of dots, horidots, vertdots = list of distances #. Output: output plot to saved to PDF, PNG format """ import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager self.log.fcttolog() if dots is None: dots = self.dots if horidots is None: horidots = self.horidots if vertdots is None: vertdots = self.vertdots # unpack dots xarr = []; yarr = [] for xy in dots: xarr.append(xy[0]) yarr.append(xy[1]) scandotfit_plot = DiagnosticPlot() self.fig = scandotfit_plot.add_header_and_footer(self.feature_set) ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.plot(xarr, yarr, 'x', markeredgewidth=0.2, markersize=3) ax1.set_title('Detected dots on micrograph') ax1 = self.vismic(self.nx, self.ny, ax1) vertdotsarr = np.array([i for i in vertdots if i is not None])/1000 self.vertical_mean = np.mean(vertdotsarr) self.vertical_stdev = np.std(vertdotsarr) self.log.ilog('Mean distance of vertical distances: %g, standard deviation (mm): %g' % (self.vertical_mean, self.vertical_stdev)) horidotsarr = np.array([i for i in horidots if i is not None])/1000 self.horizontal_mean = np.mean(horidotsarr) self.horizontal_stdev = np.std(horidotsarr) self.log.ilog('Mean distance of horizontal distances: %g, standard deviation (mm): %g' % (self.horizontal_mean, self.horizontal_stdev)) ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(122) ax2.set_title('2.5 mm dot distances') ax2.hist(vertdotsarr, 40, label='Mean vertical distance: %g\nstdev: %g (mm)' % (self.vertical_mean, self.vertical_stdev)) ax2.hist(horidotsarr, 40, label='Mean horizontal distance: %g\nstdev: %g (mm)' % (self.horizontal_mean, self.horizontal_stdev)) ax2.legend(loc='best' , prop=font_manager.FontProperties(size='x-small')) ax2.set_xlabel('Distance (mm)') ax2.set_ylabel('Number of measurements') for t in ax2.get_xticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(8) for t in ax2.get_yticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(8) self.fig.savefig(self.outfile) return self.outfile
[docs] def perform_scandotfit(self): self.log.plog(10) self.searchdots() self.log.plog(40) self.dotdistance() self.log.plog(70) self.visdots() self.log.endlog(self.feature_set)
[docs]def main(): # Option handling parset = ScanDotFitPar() mergeparset = OptHandler(parset) ######## Program mic = ScanDotFit(mergeparset) mic.perform_scandotfit()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()