Source code for scansplit

# Author: Carsten Sachse 07-Dec-2010
# Copyright: EMBL (2010 - 2018), Forschungszentrum Juelich (2019 - 2021)
# License: see license.txt for details
Program to split large scan into individual micrographs. The location of 
individual micrographs is determined by a dummy micrograph reference.
from EMAN2 import EMData, Util, EMNumPy
from collections import namedtuple
from sparx import ccfn, image_decimate, mirror
from morphology import threshold_outside
from spring.csinfrastr.csfeatures import Features, FeaturesSupport
from spring.csinfrastr.cslogger import Logger
from spring.csinfrastr.csproductivity import DiagnosticPlot, Temporary, OpenMpi
from spring.csinfrastr.csreadinput import OptHandler
from utilities import peak_search, model_blank
import numpy as np
import os
import sys

[docs]class Micrograph(object):
[docs] def readmic(self, inputimg): """ * Function to load micrograph and define sizes #. Usage: img, nx, ny = readmic(inputimg) #. Input: inputimg #. Output: image, x and y dimension """ log = Logger() log.fcttolog() img = EMData() img.read_image(inputimg) log.ilog('Input micrograph read: %s' %inputimg) nx = img.get_xsize() ny = img.get_ysize() return img, nx, ny
[docs] def get_statistics_from_image(self, image, mask=None): mean, sigma, imin, imax = Util.infomask(image, mask, True) img_stat = namedtuple('image_statistics', 'avg sigma min max') statistics = img_stat(mean, sigma, imin, imax) return statistics
[docs] def adjust_gray_values_for_print_and_optimal_display(self, mic): stat = self.get_statistics_from_image(mic) min_cutoff, max_cutoff = stat.avg - 3.5 * stat.sigma, stat.avg + 3.5 * stat.sigma pix_range = stat.max - stat.min if stat.avg < stat.min + 0.1 * pix_range: min_cutoff = stat.min elif stat.avg > stat.min + 0.9 * pix_range: max_cutoff = stat.max adjusted_mic = threshold_outside(mic, min_cutoff, max_cutoff) return adjusted_mic
[docs]class ScanSplitPar: """ Class to initiate default dictionary with input parameters including help and range values and status dictionary """ def __init__(self): # package/program identity self.package = 'emspring' self.progname = 'scansplit' self.proginfo = __doc__ self.code_files = [self.progname, self.progname + '_mpi'] self.scansplit_features = Features() self.feature_set = self.scansplit_features.setup(self) self.define_parameters_and_their_properties() self.define_program_states()
[docs] def define_parameters_and_their_properties(self): self.feature_set = self.scansplit_features.set_inp_multiple_micrographs(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_mic_out_pattern(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_rows_and_cols_count(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_mic_crop_count(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_mic_width_and_height(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_label_width_and_height(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.scansplit_features.set_scanner_step_size(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_cc_threshold(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_contact_print_option(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_final_print_option(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.set_normscan_option(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.scansplit_features.set_binning_option(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.scansplit_features.set_binning_factor(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.scansplit_features.set_mpi(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.scansplit_features.set_ncpus_scan(self.feature_set) self.feature_set = self.scansplit_features.set_temppath(self.feature_set)
[docs] def define_program_states(self): # status dictionary self.feature_set.program_states['readmic']='Read input micrograph' self.feature_set.program_states['roughsplit']='Rough splitting of micrograph according to number of rows ' +\ 'and columns' self.feature_set.program_states['make_refmic']='Make binary reference micrograph including label' self.feature_set.program_states['findlabel']='Find label on micrograph with respect to reference micrograph' self.feature_set.program_states['finesplit']='Fine splitting of micrograph according to matched position' self.feature_set.program_states['normscan']='Normalize micrograph columns using Niko Grigorieff\'s Normscan' self.feature_set.program_states['bin_micrographs']='Bin micrographs by specified factor' self.feature_set.program_states['contactprint']='Produce contact print of scan' self.feature_set.program_states['finalprint']='Produce final prints of split micrograph'
[docs] def set_mic_out_pattern(self, feature_set): inp2 = 'Output micrograph pattern' feature_set.parameters[inp2] = 'cs_scan034???.mrc'[inp2] = feature_set.file_properties(1, ['jpg', 'tif', 'mrc', 'spi', 'hdf', 'img', 'hed'], 'saveFile') feature_set.hints[inp2] = 'If single input micrograph: name of pattern. In case of multiple micrographs ' + \ 'suffix to be attached to corresponding micrograph. Use wildcards cs_scan034\?\?\?.mrc OR cs_scan034*.mrc, ' + \ FeaturesSupport().add_accepted_file_formats_to_hint(feature_set, inp2) feature_set.level[inp2]='beginner' return feature_set
[docs] def set_rows_and_cols_count(self, feature_set): inp4 = 'Number of columns x rows' feature_set.parameters[inp4] = tuple((3, 2)) feature_set.hints[inp4] = 'Integer value for number of columns x rows of micrographs located on scan.'[inp4] = feature_set.Range(1, 10, 1) feature_set.level[inp4]='beginner' return feature_set
[docs] def set_mic_crop_count(self, feature_set): inp5 = 'Number of micrographs to be cropped' feature_set.parameters[inp5] = int(6) feature_set.hints[inp5] = 'Integer value number of micrographs located on scan (number of rows x number of ' +\ 'columns).'[inp5] = feature_set.Range(1, 100, 1) feature_set.level[inp5]='beginner' return feature_set
[docs] def set_mic_width_and_height(self, feature_set): inp6 = 'Micrograph width x height in cm' feature_set.parameters[inp6] = tuple((8.0, 9.0)) feature_set.hints[inp6] = 'Width x height dimension of micrograph in cm.'[inp6] = feature_set.Range(0, 50, 0.1) feature_set.level[inp6]='intermediate' return feature_set
[docs] def set_label_width_and_height(self, feature_set): inp7 = 'Label width x height in cm' feature_set.parameters[inp7] = tuple((2.7, 1.4)) feature_set.hints[inp7] = 'Width x height dimension of black label in cm located at bottom of micrograph.'[inp7] = feature_set.Range(0, 10, 0.1) feature_set.level[inp7]='expert' return feature_set
[docs] def set_cc_threshold(self, feature_set): inp9 = 'Cross-correlation rejection criterion' feature_set.parameters[inp9] = float(1e+4) feature_set.hints[inp9] = 'Use the default number to exclude empty positions with no micrograph on scan - ' + \ 'otherwise use with caution.'[inp9] = feature_set.Range(0, 1e+8, 1e+3) feature_set.level[inp9]='expert' return feature_set
[docs] def set_contact_print_option(self, feature_set): inp11 = 'Contact print option' feature_set.parameters[inp11] = bool(False) feature_set.hints[inp11] = 'Option to produce a contact print of the entire scan.' feature_set.level[inp11]='intermediate' return feature_set
[docs] def set_final_print_option(self, feature_set): inp12 = 'Final print option' feature_set.parameters[inp12] = bool(False) feature_set.hints[inp12] = 'Option to produce a final high-contrast print of the cropped micrograph.' feature_set.level[inp12]='intermediate' return feature_set
[docs] def set_normscan_option(self, feature_set): inp13 = 'Normscan option' feature_set.parameters[inp13] = bool(False) feature_set.hints[inp13] = 'Option to normalize micrograph columns to eliminate steep grey-value differences '+\ 'in micrograph columns that can be present in Zeiss scans.' feature_set.level[inp13]='intermediate' return feature_set
[docs]class ScanSplitRough(object): """ * Class that holds all functions required for splitting micrographs * __init__ Function to read in the entered parameter dictionary, load micrograph and initialize \ unique temporary directory #. Usage: ScanSplit(pardict) #. Input: pardict = OrderedDict of program parameters """ def __init__(self, parset = None): self.log = Logger() if parset is not None: self.feature_set = parset p = self.feature_set.parameters self.infile=p['Micrographs'] self.micrograph_files = Features().convert_list_of_files_from_entry_string(self.infile) self.outfile=p['Output micrograph pattern'] self.column_count=p['Number of columns x rows'][0] self.row_count=p['Number of columns x rows'][1] self.mic_count=p['Number of micrographs to be cropped'] self.mwidth=p['Micrograph width x height in cm'][0] self.mheight=p['Micrograph width x height in cm'][1] self.lwidth=p['Label width x height in cm'][0] self.lheight=p['Label width x height in cm'][1] self.scanstep=p['Scanner step size in micrometer'] self.cc_threshold=p['Cross-correlation rejection criterion'] self.normscanoption=p['Normscan option'] self.binoption=p['Binning option'] self.binfactor=p['Binning factor'] if self.binfactor == 1 and self.binoption is True: self.binoption = False self.cprintoption=p['Contact print option'] self.fprintoption=p['Final print option'] self.temppath=p['Temporary directory'] self.mpi_option = p['MPI option'] self.cpu_count = p['Number of CPUs']
[docs] def roughsplit(self, scanimg, row_count, column_count, no_mics): """ * Function to roughly split scan into micrographs based on given number \ of rows and columns #. Usage: roughsplit(row_count, column_count, mic_count) #. Input: number of rows, number of columns, number of micrographs, #. Output: dictionary of roughly windowed micrographs (EMData objects) >>> from spring.micprgs.scansplit import ScanSplit >>> import numpy as np >>> from EMAN2 import EMNumPy >>> scanimg = EMNumPy.numpy2em(np.reshape(np.arange(0., 100.), (20, 5))) >>> mic_one, decfactor = ScanSplit().roughsplit(scanimg, 2, 1, 2) >>> np.rint(EMNumPy.em2numpy(mic_one[0])) array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.], [10., 11., 12., 13., 14.], [15., 16., 17., 18., 19.], [20., 21., 22., 23., 24.], [25., 26., 27., 28., 29.], [30., 31., 32., 33., 34.], [35., 36., 37., 38., 39.], [40., 41., 42., 43., 44.], [45., 46., 47., 48., 49.]], dtype=float32) >>> scanimg = EMNumPy.numpy2em(np.reshape(np.arange(0., 100.), (10, 10))) >>> mic_one, decfactor = ScanSplit().roughsplit(scanimg, 1, 2, 2) >>> np.rint(EMNumPy.em2numpy(mic_one[0])) array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], [10., 11., 12., 13., 14.], [20., 21., 22., 23., 24.], [30., 31., 32., 33., 34.], [40., 41., 42., 43., 44.], [50., 51., 52., 53., 54.], [60., 61., 62., 63., 64.], [70., 71., 72., 73., 74.], [80., 81., 82., 83., 84.], [90., 91., 92., 93., 94.]], dtype=float32) """ self.log.fcttolog() sizex = int(scanimg.get_xsize() / float(column_count)) sizey = int(scanimg.get_ysize() / float(row_count)) mic_number = 0 miclist = [] decimation_factor_find = int(round(sizex / 1200.0)) + 1 for each_row_number in range(row_count): for each_column_number in range(column_count): centerx = np.floor((-column_count + 1) * sizex / 2.0 + each_column_number * sizex) centery = np.floor((-row_count + 1) * sizey / 2.0 + each_row_number * sizey) self.log.dlog('centerx: %g, centery: %g'%(centerx, centery)) splitmic = Util.window(scanimg, int(sizex), int(sizey), 1, int(centerx), int(centery), 0) # bin images to reduce computing time significantly if decimation_factor_find > 1: splitmic = image_decimate(splitmic, decimation_factor_find, fit_to_fft=False) self.log.dlog('micgraph was decimated by {0}'.format(decimation_factor_find)) miclist.append(splitmic) self.log.ilog('Micrograph %d roughly windowed' %mic_number) mic_number = mic_number + 1 return miclist, decimation_factor_find
[docs]class ScanSplitFind(ScanSplitRough):
[docs] def make_refmic(self, mwidth = None, mheight = None, lwidth = None, lheight = None, scanstep = None): """ * Function to generate a reference micrograph including black label at \ bottom with the given dimensions #. Usage: make_refmic(mwidth, mheight, lwidth, lheight, scanstep) #. Input: micrograph widht, micrograph height, label width, label \ height, scanner stepsize #. Output: reference micrograph >>> from spring.micprgs.scansplit import ScanSplit >>> refmic = ScanSplit().make_refmic(9, 10, 3, 2, 10000) >>> import numpy as np >>> from EMAN2 import EMNumPy >>> np.rint(EMNumPy.em2numpy(refmic)) array([[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.]], dtype=float32) """ self.log.fcttolog() if mwidth is None: mwidth = self.mwidth if mheight is None: mheight = self.mheight if lwidth is None: lwidth = self.lwidth if lheight is None: lheight = self.lheight if scanstep is None: scanstep = self.scanstep labelx = int(lwidth*1e+4/(scanstep)) labely = int(lheight*1e+4/(scanstep)) labelimg = model_blank(labelx, labely) mic_width = int(mwidth*1e+4/(scanstep)) mic_height = int(mheight*1e+4/(scanstep)) try: refmic = Util.pad(labelimg, mic_width, mic_height, 1, 0, int(round(mic_height/2 - labely/2)), 0, '1') except: refmic = Util.pad(labelimg, mic_width, mic_height, 1, 0, int(round(mic_height/2 - labely/2 - 1)), 0, '1') return refmic
[docs] def adjust_refmic(self, refmic, miclist): """ * Function to adjust size of reference microgrph to the size of rough split """ mic = miclist[0] nx = int(mic.get_xsize()) ny = int(mic.get_ysize()) self.log.ilog('Pad label to %d, %d' %(nx, ny)) # pad reference micrograph labelimg = refmic self.log.dlog('labelimg of %g and %g to be padded to: %g, %g' % (labelimg.get_xsize(), labelimg.get_ysize(), nx, ny)) try: labelpd = Util.pad(labelimg, nx, labelimg.get_ysize(), 1, 0, 0, 0, '0') except: labelpd = Util.window(labelimg, nx, labelimg.get_ysize(), 1, 0, 0, 0) try: labelpd = Util.pad(labelpd, nx, ny, 1, 0, 0, 0, '0') except: labelpd = Util.window(labelpd, nx, ny, 1, 0, 0, 0) return labelpd
[docs] def determine_micrograph_offset_against_reference_micrograph(self, refmic_with_label_top, refmic_with_label_bottom, micrograph): mirror_ccpeaks = [] mirror_xoffset = [] mirror_yoffset = [] x_dimension = int(micrograph.get_xsize()) for reference_micrograph_with_label in [refmic_with_label_top, refmic_with_label_bottom]: ccimg = ccfn(micrograph, reference_micrograph_with_label, center=True) ccimg = Util.window(ccimg, int(0.5 * x_dimension), int(0.5 * x_dimension), 1, 0, 0, 0) # peakcc = peak_search(ccimg, 1, +1) ccvv, nnn, nnn, nnn, ccxx, ccyy = peakcc[0] mirror_ccpeaks.append(ccvv) mirror_xoffset.append(ccxx) mirror_yoffset.append(ccyy) if mirror_ccpeaks[0] == max(mirror_ccpeaks): ccvv = mirror_ccpeaks[0] ccxx = mirror_xoffset[0] ccyy = mirror_yoffset[0] return ccvv, ccxx, ccyy
[docs] def findlabel(self, miclist, decimation_factor_find, scanstep): """ * Function to locate micrograph position using cross-correlation map with reference micrograph #. Usage: findlabel(refmic, miclist) #. Input: stack of roughly split micrographs, reference micrograph, number of micrographs,\ dictionary that holds micrograph objects, number of micrographs #. Output: Position of X-offset and Y-offset and cross-correlation peak value of match """ self.log.fcttolog() refmic = self.make_refmic(scanstep=scanstep*decimation_factor_find) refmic_with_label_top = self.adjust_refmic(refmic, miclist) refmic_with_label_bottom = mirror(refmic_with_label_top, axis='y') ccpeaks = [] xoffset = [] yoffset = [] for each_mic_number, each_micrograph in enumerate(miclist): ccvv, ccxx, ccyy = self.determine_micrograph_offset_against_reference_micrograph(refmic_with_label_top, refmic_with_label_bottom, each_micrograph) ccpeaks.append(ccvv) xoffset.append(ccxx*decimation_factor_find) yoffset.append(ccyy*decimation_factor_find) self.log.ilog('Micrograph center was found at %d, %d pixels with respect to reference \ micrograph (%g cc-value)' % (xoffset[each_mic_number], yoffset[each_mic_number], ccpeaks[each_mic_number])) return xoffset, yoffset, ccpeaks
[docs]class ScanSplitOptions(ScanSplitFind):
[docs] def assign_edge_value_to_edge_columns(self, column_number, column_count): """ >>> ScanSplit().assign_edge_value_to_edge_columns(2, 100) 6 >>> ScanSplit().assign_edge_value_to_edge_columns(66, 100) 66 >>> ScanSplit().assign_edge_value_to_edge_columns(95, 100) 94 """ if column_number < 0.06 * column_count: reference_column_number = int(0.06 * column_count) elif column_number > 0.94 * column_count: reference_column_number = int(0.94 * column_count) else: reference_column_number = column_number return reference_column_number
[docs] def normalize_columns(self, micrograph): """ determine number of columns pull out each column normalize """ column_count = micrograph.get_xsize() row_count = int(0.5*micrograph.get_ysize()) micrograph_center = Util.window(micrograph, column_count, row_count, 1, 0, 0, 0) for column_number in range(column_count): reference_column_number = self.assign_edge_value_to_edge_columns(column_number, column_count) reference_column = micrograph_center.get_col(reference_column_number) mean, sigma, imin, imax = Micrograph().get_statistics_from_image(reference_column) normalized_column = (micrograph.get_col(column_number) - mean) / sigma micrograph.set_col(normalized_column, column_number) return micrograph
[docs] def normscan(self, miclist): """ * Function to normalize micrograph columns from Zeiss scans #. Usage: normscan(normscanpath, miclist) #. Input: list of micrographs #. Output: Series of normalized micrographs, list of normalized micrograph filenames """ self.log.fcttolog() normmiclist = [] micrograph = EMData() for each_micfile in miclist: self.log.ilog('Normalize micrograph {0} columns.'.format(each_micfile)) micrograph.read_image(each_micfile) self.micrograph = self.normalize_columns(micrograph) self.micrograph.write_image(each_micfile) normmiclist.append(each_micfile) return normmiclist
[docs] def contactprint(self, scanimg, infile): """ * Function to generate a contact print of the negative scan #. Usage: contactprint(scanimg, infile) #. Input: micrograph EMData object, input filename #. Output: compressed contact print ( file) """ outfile = '{0}_cprint{1}pdf'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0], os.extsep) fig = self.prepare_print(scanimg, infile, outfile) fig.savefig(outfile, dpi=300, orientation='portrait')
[docs] def prepare_print(self, img, infile, outfile, fig_number=None): """ * Function to write print #. Usage: fig = prepare_print(img, infile, outfile, fig_number) #. Input: image to be printed, input filename, outputfilename, figure number #. Output: figure to be saved """ split_micrograph_plot = DiagnosticPlot() fig = split_micrograph_plot.add_header_and_footer(self.feature_set, infile, outfile) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) if img.get_xsize() > 5000: decimation_factor = int(img.get_xsize()/5000) + 1 img = Util.decimate(img, decimation_factor, decimation_factor, 1) self.log.dlog('Image {0} was binned by {1}'.format(outfile, decimation_factor)) img_array = np.copy(EMNumPy.em2numpy(img)) self.log.dlog('Image {0} was converted to Numpy array'.format(infile)) height, width = img_array.shape if height > width: img_array = np.swapaxes(img_array, 0, 1) ax1.imshow(img_array, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest') return fig
[docs] def finalprint(self, miclist): """ * Function to generate final prints of the cropped micrographs #. Usage: finalprint(miclist, scanstep, tempdir) #. Input: list of micrographs, scanner stepsize, temporary directory #. Output: series of final prints (compressed JPG file) """ splitmic = EMData() for filenumber, infile in enumerate(miclist): outfile = '{0}_fprint{1}pdf'.format(infile.split(os.extsep)[0], os.extsep) splitmic.read_image(infile) splitmic = Micrograph().adjust_gray_values_for_print_and_optimal_display(splitmic) fig = self.prepare_print(splitmic, infile, outfile, filenumber) self.log.ilog('Micrograph {0} saved.'.format(outfile)) fig.savefig(outfile, dpi=300, orientation='portrait')
[docs] def bin_micrographs(self, miclist, binfactor): """ * Function to bin series of micrographs by binfactor #. Usage: bin_micrographs(miclist, binfactor) #. Input: list of micrograph names, binfactor (1x = nobinning) #. Output: micrograph names will be appended by -binfactorxbinned.ext """ self.log.fcttolog() mics_binned = [] if binfactor < 2: sys.stderr.write('Bin factor of %g too low, binning is not required' %binfactor) else: micg = EMData() for mic in miclist: micbin = mic.split(os.extsep) micg.read_image(mic) micg = image_decimate(micg, binfactor, fit_to_fft=False) micbinned = micbin[0] + '-' + '%d' %binfactor + 'xbin' + os.extsep + micbin[-1] micg.write_image(micbinned) mics_binned.append(micbinned) self.log.ilog('Micrograph %s was binned to %s.' %(mic, micbinned)) return mics_binned
[docs]class ScanSplit(ScanSplitOptions):
[docs] def split_output_string(self, outfile): """ >>> ScanSplit().split_output_string('test_???.mrc') ['test_', '.mrc'] >>> ScanSplit().split_output_string('test_??.mrc') ['test_', '.mrc'] >>> ScanSplit().split_output_string('test_?.mrc') ['test_', '.mrc'] >>> ScanSplit().split_output_string('test_*.mrc') ['test_', '.mrc'] >>> ScanSplit().split_output_string('test_%02d.mrc') ['test_', '.mrc'] """ # if outfile is None: outfile = self.outfile if '???' in outfile: output_split = outfile.split('???') elif '??' in outfile: output_split = outfile.split('??') elif '?' in outfile: output_split = outfile.split('?') elif '*' in outfile: output_split = outfile.split('*') elif '%02d' in outfile: output_split = outfile.split('%02d') else: output_split = outfile.split(os.extsep) output_split[-2] = output_split[-2] + '_' output_split[-1] = os.extsep + output_split[-1] return output_split
[docs] def compute_micrograph_center_in_scan(self, col_row_number, col_row_count, size, offset, mic_number): column_number, row_number = col_row_number column_count, row_count = col_row_count xoffset, yoffset = offset sizex, sizey = size centerx = (-column_count + 1)*sizex/2 + \ column_number*sizex + xoffset[mic_number] centery = (-row_count + 1)*sizey/2 + \ row_number*sizey + yoffset[mic_number] self.log.dlog('Micrograph\'s off-center position: {0} and {1}'.format(centerx, centery)) return centerx, centery
[docs] def check_and_adjust_windowing_paramters(self, scan_dimension, mic_dimension, center): """ * Function to adjust windowing parameter in case of incompletely scanned micrographs >>> ScanSplit().check_and_adjust_windowing_paramters((1500, 1000), (500, 500), (300, 300)) (500, 450, 300, 275) >>> ScanSplit().check_and_adjust_windowing_paramters((1000, 1000), (500, 500), (300, 300)) (450, 450, 275, 275) >>> ScanSplit().check_and_adjust_windowing_paramters((1500, 1500), (500, 500), (300, 300)) (500, 500, 300, 300) """ nx, ny = scan_dimension mic_width, mic_height = mic_dimension centerx, centery = center newmic_width = mic_width newmic_height = mic_height if (abs(centerx) + mic_width / 2.0 > nx / 2.0): overhang_x = abs(nx / 2.0 - abs(centerx) - mic_width / 2.0) newmic_width = int(mic_width - overhang_x) if centerx < 0: centerx = int(centerx + (mic_width - newmic_width) / 2.0) elif centerx > 0: centerx = int(centerx - (mic_width - newmic_width) / 2.0) if newmic_width %2 != 0: newmic_width = newmic_width - 1 self.log.ilog('X-overhang is %g pixel while windowing. Micrograph size adjusted to %g x %g pixels' % (overhang_x, newmic_width, newmic_height)) if (abs(centery) + mic_height/ 2.0 > ny / 2.0): overhang_y = abs(ny / 2.0 - abs(centery) - mic_height / 2.0) newmic_height = int(mic_height - overhang_y) if centery < 0: centery = int(centery + (mic_height - newmic_height) / 2.0) elif centery > 0: centery = int(centery - (mic_height - newmic_height) / 2.0) if newmic_height %2 != 0: newmic_height = newmic_height - 1 self.log.ilog('Y-overhang is %g pixel while windowing. Micrograph size adjusted to %g x %g pixels' % (overhang_y, newmic_width, newmic_height)) self.log.dlog('Windowing paramters: centerx: %g, centery: %g, newmic_width: %g, newmic_height: %g' % (centerx, centery, newmic_width, newmic_height)) return newmic_width, newmic_height, centerx, centery
[docs] def finesplit(self, row_count, column_count, mwidth, mheight, scanstep, xoffset, yoffset, ccpeaks, cc_threshold, outfile): """ * Function to finely split scan into micrographs according to found micrograph location #. Usage: finesplit(row_count, column_count, mwidth, mheight, scanstep, xoffset,\ yoffset, ccpeaks, cc_threshold, outfile) #. Input: number of rows, number of colums, number of micrographs,\ micrograph width, micrograph height, scanner stepsize, X-offset center, Y-offset center,\ list of cross-correlation peaks, cross-correlation threshold #. Output: series of cropped micrographs """ xsize = self.nx/column_count ysize = self.ny/row_count mic_width = int(mwidth*10000/(scanstep)) mic_height = int(mheight*10000/(scanstep)) self.log.dlog('imgx: %g, imgy: %g sizex: %g, sizey: %g, mic_width: %g, mixy: %g' % (self.nx, self.ny, xsize, ysize, mic_width, mic_height)) mic_number = 0 miclist = [] output_split = self.split_output_string(outfile) for each_row_number in range(row_count): for each_column_number in range(column_count): if ccpeaks[mic_number] > cc_threshold: centerx, centery = self.compute_micrograph_center_in_scan((each_column_number, each_row_number), (column_count, row_count), (xsize, ysize), (xoffset, yoffset), mic_number) newmic_width, newmic_height, centerx, centery = self.check_and_adjust_windowing_paramters((self.nx, self.ny), (mic_width, mic_height), (centerx, centery)) if row_count == 1 and column_count == 1: splitmic = self.img else: splitmic = Util.window(self.img, int(newmic_width), int(newmic_height), 1, int(centerx), int(centery), 0) fname = output_split[-2] + '%03d'%mic_number + output_split[-1] self.log.ilog('Micrograph %s neatly windowed: %g x %g cm' % (fname, newmic_width*scanstep/10000, newmic_height*scanstep/10000)) splitmic.write_image(fname) miclist.append(fname) mic_number = mic_number + 1 else: self.log.ilog('Micrograph {0} was NOT windowed because of low cross-correlation. '.format(mic_number) + \ 'If this is not correct, lower cross-correlation threshold') if mic_number is 0: error_message = 'Exited because no micrographs found on scan (check cross-correlation '+ \ 'between dummy micrograph and set cc-threshold in parameters)' raise ValueError(error_message) else: pass return miclist
[docs] def perform_splitscan_by_finding_location_with_respect_to_reference_micrograph(self, micrograph_files, outfiles): self.log.plog(10) for each_micrograph_index, each_micrograph_file in enumerate(micrograph_files): self.img, self.nx, self.ny = Micrograph().readmic(each_micrograph_file) miclist, decimation_factor_find = self.roughsplit(self.img, self.row_count, self.column_count, self.mic_count) self.log.plog(90 * (each_micrograph_index + 0.2) / len(micrograph_files) + 10) xoffset, yoffset, ccpeaks = self.findlabel(miclist, decimation_factor_find, self.scanstep) self.log.plog(90 * (each_micrograph_index + 0.5) / len(micrograph_files) + 10) miclist = self.finesplit(self.row_count, self.column_count, self.mwidth, self.mheight, self.scanstep, xoffset, yoffset, ccpeaks, self.cc_threshold, outfiles[each_micrograph_index]) self.log.plog(90 * (each_micrograph_index + 0.8) / len(micrograph_files) + 10) if self.normscanoption: self.normalized_mics = self.normscan(miclist) if self.binoption: mics_binned = self.bin_micrographs(miclist, self.binfactor) if self.fprintoption: self.finalprint(miclist) if self.cprintoption: self.contactprint(self.img, each_micrograph_file) self.log.plog(90 * (each_micrograph_index + 1) / len(micrograph_files) + 10)
[docs] def perform_splitscan(self): if len(self.micrograph_files) < self.cpu_count: self.cpu_count = len(self.micrograph_files) self.feature_set.parameters['Number of CPUs']=self.cpu_count OpenMpi().setup_and_start_mpi_version_if_demanded(self.mpi_option, self.feature_set, self.cpu_count) self.tempdir = Temporary().mktmpdir(self.temppath) outfiles = Features().rename_series_of_output_files(self.micrograph_files, self.outfile) self.perform_splitscan_by_finding_location_with_respect_to_reference_micrograph(self.micrograph_files, outfiles) os.rmdir(self.tempdir) self.log.endlog(self.feature_set)
[docs]def main(): # Option handling parset = ScanSplitPar() mergeparset = OptHandler(parset) ######## Program scan = ScanSplit(mergeparset) scan.perform_splitscan()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()