
Program to split large scan into individual micrographs. The location of individual micrographs is determined by a dummy micrograph reference.



Input: Micrographs

Output: Output micrograph pattern



Example (default)




Input micrographs: accepted file formats (tif, .mrc, .mrcs, .spi, .hdf, .img, .hed).

Output micrograph pattern


If single input micrograph: name of pattern. In case of multiple micrographs suffix to be attached to corresponding micrograph. Use wildcards cs_scan034???.mrc OR cs_scan034*.mrc, accepted file formats (jpg, .tif, .mrc, .spi, .hdf, .img, .hed).

Number of columns x rows

(3, 2)

Integer value for number of columns x rows of micrographs located on scan (accepted values min=1, max=10).

Number of micrographs to be cropped


Integer value number of micrographs located on scan (number of rows x number of columns) (accepted values min=1, max=100).

Sample parameter file

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

scansplit --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Micrographs                              = cs_scan034.tif
Output micrograph pattern                = cs_scan034???.mrc
Number of columns x rows                 = (3, 2)
Number of micrographs to be cropped      = 6

Additional parameters (intermediate level)


Example (default)


Micrograph width x height in cm

(8.0, 9.0)

Width x height dimension of micrograph in cm (accepted values min=0, max=50).

Scanner step size in micrometer


Characteristic resolution or step size of scanner in micrometer (accepted values min=1, max=1000).

Contact print option


Option to produce a contact print of the entire scan.

Final print option


Option to produce a final high-contrast print of the cropped micrograph.

Normscan option


Option to normalize micrograph columns to eliminate steep grey-value differences in micrograph columns that can be present in Zeiss scans.

Binning option


Micrograph is reduced in size by binning.

Binning factor


Micrograph is reduced in size by binning factor (accepted values min=1, max=20).

MPI option


OpenMPI installed (mpirun).

Number of CPUs


Number of processors to be used. Maximum number corresponds directly to number of input scans, i.e. no gain in performance if single input micrograph chosen (accepted values min=1, max=300).

Temporary directory


Temporary directory should have fast read and write access.

Sample parameter file (intermediate level)

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

scansplit --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Micrographs                              = cs_scan034.tif
Output micrograph pattern                = cs_scan034???.mrc
Number of columns x rows                 = (3, 2)
Number of micrographs to be cropped      = 6
Micrograph width x height in cm          = (8.0, 9.0)
Scanner step size in micrometer          = 7.0
Contact print option                     = False
Final print option                       = False
Normscan option                          = False
Binning option                           = False
Binning factor                           = 6
MPI option                               = True
Number of CPUs                           = 2
Temporary directory                      = /tmp

Additional parameters (expert level)


Example (default)


Label width x height in cm

(2.7, 1.4)

Width x height dimension of black label in cm located at bottom of micrograph (accepted values min=0, max=10).

Cross-correlation rejection criterion


Use the default number to exclude empty positions with no micrograph on scan - otherwise use with caution (accepted values min=0, max=1e+08).

Sample parameter file (expert level)

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

scansplit --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Micrographs                              = cs_scan034.tif
Output micrograph pattern                = cs_scan034???.mrc
Number of columns x rows                 = (3, 2)
Number of micrographs to be cropped      = 6
Micrograph width x height in cm          = (8.0, 9.0)
Label width x height in cm               = (2.7, 1.4)
Scanner step size in micrometer          = 7.0
Cross-correlation rejection criterion    = 10000.0
Contact print option                     = False
Final print option                       = False
Normscan option                          = False
Binning option                           = False
Binning factor                           = 6
MPI option                               = True
Number of CPUs                           = 2
Temporary directory                      = /tmp

Command line options

When invoking scansplit, you may specify any of these options:

usage: scansplit [-h] [--g] [--p] [--f FILENAME] [--c] [--l LOGFILENAME] [--d DIRECTORY_NAME] [--version] [--contact_print_option]
                 [--final_print_option] [--normscan_option] [--binning_option] [--mpi_option]
                 [input_output [input_output ...]]

Program to split large scan into individual micrographs. The location of individual micrographs is determined by a dummy micrograph reference.

positional arguments:
  input_output          Input and output files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --g, --GUI            GUI option: read input parameters from GUI
  --p, --promptuser     Prompt user option: read input parameters from prompt
  --f FILENAME, --parameterfile FILENAME
                        File option: read input parameters from FILENAME
  --c, --cmd            Command line parameter option: read only boolean input parameters from command line and all other parameters will be assigned
                        from other sources
                        Output logfile name as specified
                        Output directory name as specified
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --contact_print_option, --con
                        Option to produce a contact print of the entire scan. (default: False)
  --final_print_option, --fin
                        Option to produce a final high-contrast print of the cropped micrograph. (default: False)
  --normscan_option, --nor
                        Option to normalize micrograph columns to eliminate steep grey-value differences in micrograph columns that can be present in
                        Zeiss scans. (default: False)
  --binning_option, --bin
                        Micrograph is reduced in size by binning. (default: False)
  --mpi_option, --mpi   OpenMPI installed (mpirun). (default: False)

Program flow

  1. readmic: Read input micrograph

  2. roughsplit: Rough splitting of micrograph according to number of rows and columns

  3. make_refmic: Make binary reference micrograph including label

  4. findlabel: Find label on micrograph with respect to reference micrograph

  5. finesplit: Fine splitting of micrograph according to matched position

  6. normscan: Normalize micrograph columns using Niko Grigorieff’s Normscan

  7. bin_micrographs: Bin micrographs by specified factor

  8. contactprint: Produce contact print of scan

  9. finalprint: Produce final prints of split micrograph