
Program to interactively explore grid searches according to different criteria



Input: Grid database

Output: Subgrid merge option



Example (default)


Grid database


Grid database with associated metadata from segclassreconstruct or segrefine3dgrid: accepted file formats (db).

Batch mode


Batch mode for plot. Otherwise interactive.

EM name


Template output name for associated EM files from grid search: accepted image file formats (hdf)

Sample parameter file

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

seggridexplore --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Grid database                            = grid.db
Batch mode                               = False
EM name                                  = recvol.hdf

Additional parameters (intermediate level)


Example (default)


Parameter pair

(1.408, 22.03)

Parameter pair to extract associated EM files (accepted values min=-1000, max=1000).

Sample parameter file (intermediate level)

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

seggridexplore --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Grid database                            = grid.db
Batch mode                               = False
EM name                                  = recvol.hdf
Parameter pair                           = (1.408, 22.03)

Additional parameters (expert level)


Example (default)


Subgrid merge option


Merge subgrids from multiple grid searches. Either these subgrids were generated using the subgrid option in segrefine3drid or they originate from adjacent grids with the same grid spacing. Enter subgrids using wildcards * or ?? can be used to specify multiple input files.

Reconstitute Grid


In case subgrids are merged reconstitute entire grid by reproducing directory tree in one place and generate symbolic links to associated original files.

Sample parameter file (expert level)

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

seggridexplore --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Grid database                            = grid.db
Subgrid merge option                     = False
Reconstitute Grid                        = True
Batch mode                               = False
EM name                                  = recvol.hdf
Parameter pair                           = (1.408, 22.03)

Command line options

When invoking seggridexplore, you may specify any of these options:

usage: seggridexplore [-h] [--g] [--p] [--f FILENAME] [--c] [--l LOGFILENAME] [--d DIRECTORY_NAME] [--version] [--subgrid_merge_option]
                      [--reconstitute_grid] [--batch_mode]
                      [input_output [input_output ...]]

Program to interactively explore grid searches according to different criteria

positional arguments:
  input_output          Input and output files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --g, --GUI            GUI option: read input parameters from GUI
  --p, --promptuser     Prompt user option: read input parameters from prompt
  --f FILENAME, --parameterfile FILENAME
                        File option: read input parameters from FILENAME
  --c, --cmd            Command line parameter option: read only boolean input parameters from command line and all other parameters will be assigned
                        from other sources
                        Output logfile name as specified
                        Output directory name as specified
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --subgrid_merge_option, --sub
                        Merge subgrids from multiple grid searches. Either these subgrids were generated using the subgrid option in segrefine3drid or
                        they originate from adjacent grids with the same grid spacing. Enter subgrids using wildcards * or ?? can be used to specify
                        multiple input files. (default: False)
  --reconstitute_grid, --rec
                        In case subgrids are merged reconstitute entire grid by reproducing directory tree in one place and generate symbolic links to
                        associated original files. (default: False)
  --batch_mode, --bat   Batch mode for plot. Otherwise interactive. (default: False)

Program flow

  1. extract_desired_em_files: Extract desired EM files

  2. launch_seggridexplore_gui: Explore different grid combinations interactively