
Program to align segments from helical specimens with a restrained in-plane rotation of 0 or 180 +/- delta degrees



Input: Image input stack

Output: Image output stack



Example (default)


Image input stack


Input stack: accepted file formats (hdf).

Image output stack


Output stack: accepted file formats (hdf).

Reference option


Provide a stack of images as a reference. If not ticked, a simple average of the provided image stack will be used.

Image reference stack


Input reference stack: accepted file formats (spi, .hdf, .img, .hed).

Update references


Check if references should be updated for every iteration. This is useful if you have a high ratio of images / references and you expect to improve your references. In case you simply want to match or assign having a low images / references ratio you should turn it off.

Aligned average stack


Output aligned reference stack: accepted file formats (spi, .hdf, .img, .hed).

Pixel size in Angstrom


Pixel size is an imaging parameter (accepted values min=0.001, max=100).

Estimated helix width and height in Angstrom

(200, 600)

Generous width and height measure of helix required for rectangular mask (accepted values min=20, max=1500).

Sample parameter file

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

segmentalign2d --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Image input stack                        = protein_stack.hdf
Image output stack                       = protein_stack.hdf
Reference option                         = True
Image reference stack                    = protein_reference_stack.hdf
Update references                        = True
Aligned average stack                    = protein_reference_aligned.hdf
Pixel size in Angstrom                   = 1.163
Estimated helix width and height in Angstrom = (200, 600)

Additional parameters (intermediate level)


Example (default)


Number of iterations


Number of iteration cycles of multi-reference alignment. Internally imageswill be binned to speed up processing (accepted values min=1, max=200).

Absolute X and Y translation limit in Angstrom

(100, 100)

Absolute translation limit of alignment search in Angstrom perpendicular and along helix axis from center of segment. This is useful because iterative alignments tend to move the helix axis in y-direction (accepted values min=1, max=1000).

Internal binning factor


In order to speed up alignments images can be optionally binned (accepted values min=1, max=20).

Limit in-plane rotation


Restricts in-plane rotation alignment.

Delta in-plane rotation angle


Rotational alignment is being performed within +/- delta angle from 0 and 180 degrees (delta=0 means only 0/180 are checked, delta=180 means no rotational restraint) (accepted values min=0, max=180).

X and Y translation range in Angstrom

(50, 50)

Translational range of alignment search perpendicular and along helix axis (X: off-center helical axis, Y: (minimum y-range=helical rise/2) (accepted values min=0, max=1000).

High-pass filter option


Option to high-pass filter images before alignment or band-pass filter in combination with low-pass filter.

Low-pass filter option


Option to low-pass filter images before alignment or band-pass filter in combination with high-pass filter.

High and low-pass filter cutoffs in 1/Angstrom

(0.001, 0.09)

Filter design for high- and low-pass filter with cutoffs in 1/Angstrom. Maximum spatial frequency is 1/(2*pixelsize) (accepted values min=0, max=1).

MPI option


OpenMPI installed (mpirun).

Number of CPUs


Number of processors to be used (accepted values min=1, max=1000).

Temporary directory


Temporary directory should have fast read and write access.

Sample parameter file (intermediate level)

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

segmentalign2d --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Image input stack                        = protein_stack.hdf
Image output stack                       = protein_stack.hdf
Number of iterations                     = 2
Reference option                         = True
Image reference stack                    = protein_reference_stack.hdf
Update references                        = True
Aligned average stack                    = protein_reference_aligned.hdf
Pixel size in Angstrom                   = 1.163
Estimated helix width and height in Angstrom = (200, 600)
Absolute X and Y translation limit in Angstrom = (100, 100)
Internal binning factor                  = 2
Limit in-plane rotation                  = True
Delta in-plane rotation angle            = 10.0
X and Y translation range in Angstrom    = (50, 50)
High-pass filter option                  = False
Low-pass filter option                   = True
High and low-pass filter cutoffs in 1/Angstrom = (0.001, 0.09)
MPI option                               = True
Number of CPUs                           = 8
Temporary directory                      = /tmp

Additional parameters (expert level)


Example (default)


Local refinement


This option can be used to refine locally around the alignment parameters stored in the header of the image stack.



B-Factor in 1/Angstrom^2 to be applied to images. Zero no modulation of frequencies. Negative B-factors enhance high-resolution frequencies. Positive B-factors dampen high-resolution frequencies (accepted values min=-50000, max=50000).

Custom filter option


Option to custom filter images before alignment.

Custom-built filter file


Custom-built filter function with two columns (normalized spatial frequency 0 - 0.5, Fourier filter coefficients between 0 - 1): accepted file formats (txt, .dat).

Automatic filter option


Automatic filter design derived from decay of Fourier ring correlation between images.

Sample parameter file (expert level)

You may run the program in the command line by providing the parameters via a text file:

segmentalign2d --f parameterfile.txt

Where the format of the parameters is:

Image input stack                        = protein_stack.hdf
Image output stack                       = protein_stack.hdf
Number of iterations                     = 2
Reference option                         = True
Image reference stack                    = protein_reference_stack.hdf
Update references                        = True
Aligned average stack                    = protein_reference_aligned.hdf
Pixel size in Angstrom                   = 1.163
Estimated helix width and height in Angstrom = (200, 600)
Local refinement                         = False
Absolute X and Y translation limit in Angstrom = (100, 100)
Internal binning factor                  = 2
Limit in-plane rotation                  = True
Delta in-plane rotation angle            = 10.0
X and Y translation range in Angstrom    = (50, 50)
High-pass filter option                  = False
Low-pass filter option                   = True
High and low-pass filter cutoffs in 1/Angstrom = (0.001, 0.09)
B-Factor                                 = 0
Custom filter option                     = False
Custom-built filter file                 = filter_function.dat
Automatic filter option                  = True
MPI option                               = True
Number of CPUs                           = 8
Temporary directory                      = /tmp

Command line options

When invoking segmentalign2d, you may specify any of these options:

usage: segmentalign2d [-h] [--g] [--p] [--f FILENAME] [--c] [--l LOGFILENAME] [--d DIRECTORY_NAME] [--version] [--reference_option]
                      [--update_references] [--local_refinement] [--limit_in-plane_rotation] [--high-pass_filter_option] [--low-pass_filter_option]
                      [--custom_filter_option] [--automatic_filter_option] [--mpi_option]
                      [input_output [input_output ...]]

Program to align segments from helical specimens with a restrained in-plane rotation of 0 or 180 +/- delta degrees

positional arguments:
  input_output          Input and output files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --g, --GUI            GUI option: read input parameters from GUI
  --p, --promptuser     Prompt user option: read input parameters from prompt
  --f FILENAME, --parameterfile FILENAME
                        File option: read input parameters from FILENAME
  --c, --cmd            Command line parameter option: read only boolean input parameters from command line and all other parameters will be assigned
                        from other sources
                        Output logfile name as specified
                        Output directory name as specified
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --reference_option, --ref
                        Provide a stack of images as a reference. If not ticked, a simple average of the provided image stack will be used. (default:
  --update_references, --upd
                        Check if references should be updated for every iteration. This is useful if you have a high ratio of images / references and
                        you expect to improve your references. In case you simply want to match or assign having a low images / references ratio you
                        should turn it off. (default: False)
  --local_refinement, --loc
                        This option can be used to refine locally around the alignment parameters stored in the header of the image stack. (default:
  --limit_in-plane_rotation, --lim
                        Restricts in-plane rotation alignment. (default: False)
  --high-pass_filter_option, --hig
                        Option to high-pass filter images before alignment or band-pass filter in combination with low-pass filter. (default: False)
  --low-pass_filter_option, --low
                        Option to low-pass filter images before alignment or band-pass filter in combination with high-pass filter. (default: False)
  --custom_filter_option, --cus
                        Option to custom filter images before alignment. (default: False)
  --automatic_filter_option, --aut
                        Automatic filter design derived from decay of Fourier ring correlation between images. (default: False)
  --mpi_option, --mpi   OpenMPI installed (mpirun). (default: False)

Program flow

  1. prepare_alignment: Prepare alignment

  2. prepare_reference_images_for_alignment: Prepare reference images for alignment

  3. align_images_to_references: Aligns images to reference

  4. pass_alignment_parameters_from_reference_groups_to_images: Apply alignment parameters to images